Kevin Noone

I’m Still Here

January 11, 2008


Sorry for the long delay between posts. I’ve been working hard on our wedding web site. It’s just about done, but not close enough to make public at this point.

My Back

My back is a lot better these days,

Possible Web Site Update

Something that I want to try out on this web site is the Yahoo! Media Player. Apparently I can just add a bit of javascript to my site and all of the mp3 files that I link to will be playable with an embedded music player. We’ll see how well that works.

[update] I added it. Check out the music page. It’s pretty cool, but I’m not committed to it yet. I’m a tad uncomfortable with linking to external javascript. I’ll also want to make sure it doesn’t slow things down.

2008 Goals

I have two goals to accomplish before our wedding in August/September. First, I must lose a lot of weight. I really don’t want to be a fat groom. Second, I want to write a song to play at the reception. I’ve been messing around a bit more with my electronic keyboard, and I have some ideas.

That’s all I’ve got for today, folks.

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