Kevin Noone

Find/Kill a Linux Process by Name

September 9, 2011

I was doing some research to figure out how to easily kill a Linux process given part of it’s name. It’s fairly simple to do it manually, but if you didn’t already know, programmers are lazy.

The first thing I was doing…

ps aux | grep Foo

find the process ID (PID) with my eyes, and then kill it…

kill -9 123456

Next, I started finding complex piped commands to find and extract the PID. For instance…

pid=`ps -eo pid,args | grep Foo | grep -v grep | cut -c1-6`

and slightly simpler…

ps aux | grep Foo | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}’

Finally, I discovered pgrep and pkill. There are quite a few options for each command, but simply put:

To get the PID for a process with a name containing ‘Foo’…

pgrep Foo

To get the PID for a process with a command line containing ‘Bar’ (as in > Foo -n Bar)…

pgrep -f Bar

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