Kevin Noone

Spockify - Part 1

May 26, 2021

I’ve decided to start a simple new “hobby project” that I’m calling Spockify. The idea is that I’ll present a relatively simple web-based UI that will allow a Spotify user to log in and build new playlists based on track features like “danceability”, “tempo”, “genre”, and whatever else makes sense. I’m thinking that the base set of tracks will be the user’s saved (or liked) tracks. From there, I can use the Spotify API to get various bits of metadata for each track and then allow filtering on that metadata to build a list of songs that can be saved as a playlist.

What I’d like to do is implement this project in small steps and create some “how-to” blog posts as I go.

Why? Because it’s fun.


To begin, I’ve discovered which Spotify endpoints to use for the functionality that I need.

Build a list of filterable tracks

requires the user-library-read scope

Create a playlist

requires the playlist-modify-public and playlist-modify-private scopes


In part 2 I’ll bootstrap a minimal application skeleton.

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